President's Welcome
Dan Tweel
Early in 1998, Bob Bentley, Brian Jones and Ben Rodgers began to explore interest and structures for a British car club on PEI, either as an independent entity or as ageographic chapter of BATANS. Ways to promote interest and grow membership for a local club revealed an appetite for the concept of an annual British car show.
In PEI at an August 1998 (in both senses of the word) gathering with members of the British Automobile Touring Association of Nova Scotia, the concept began to take shape. Inspired that evening by the sight of 35 British cars gathered at the Bentley's in New Glasgow, over good food and refreshments, enthusiasm grew and the newly formed BMAPEI committed to host PEI's first British car show in 1999, inviting British car clubs in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and New England.
For the following nine consecutive years the little club hosted a three day weekend celebration for British Car Days on PEI. With increasing numbers year after year, we soon outgrew venues large enough to host the Saturday night banquet and the small but mighty bevy of volunteers were stretched to their limits. One of our larger sponsors wanted to diversify the show to all car types to ensure larger numbers in future years.While this might have ensured more volunteers, it took us farther away from our original goals and the all British show we wanted.
Both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were showing interest in attempting a similar British car weekend and for a time it appeared the show might rotate annually between the three Maritime provinces.
In 2008, we were approached to share the joys and challenges of hosting an annual show with a new committee associated with BATANS. That year a separate organization, British Motoring Festival of Nova Scotia, was established. Building on the original concept, they hosted their first British Motoring Festival at Kings Edgehill in Windsor in 2009. We continue to support the Festival.
Since then BMAPEI has enthusiastically continued its original purposes of support and encouragement of all forms of British motoring on Prince Edward Island. We are dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and safe use of British motor vehicles. We maintain an inventory of items available to Association members, host technical support sessions,produce a monthly newsletter as well organizing tours and hosting gatherings throughout the year. Returning to our roots in the founding gathering in 1998,one of our annual events is held in conjunction with the BATANS getaway weekend in late August.
We hope your time with us, either as a member or a guest, will be mutually enjoyable!
Dan Tweel